<a href="">Kernel Machine</a> by SemperVinco is licensed under <a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>

Your role
The Coronary Atlas project welcomes collaboration and involvement by interested parties. If you are a researcher, cardiologist, developer or student with a professional interest in the project, please get in touch.
Want to know more about our research? Look at the Global context page, or listen to the RadioNZ interview of the atlas
Want to contribute? Contact the team. Keep updated with the latest interventional strategy recommendations see our talks.
Do you want to contribute or us to share CTCA images, STL files for computing or 3D printing? Or access to the statistical data? No problem. Contact us for details.
Want to explore, have ideas or want to create your own? We are happy to chat. Contact us for details.
We are currently recruiting Masters and Ph.D. students and are happy to accept interns. Contact us for more information.